The Congregational Way of being church offers many opportunities to understand, to grow, and to serve Christ and the community. There is nothing required to join in the many events that take place other than a desire to develop in one’s journey of faith with other friendly followers of Christ.
- Regular classes are held to introduce prospective new members and interested visitors to the faith, history, and practice of Congregationalism.
- Adult education sessions on weekday evenings of different lengths throughout the year provide the chance to deepen one’s knowledge of the Old and New Testament scriptures, God’s involvement in the world and human lives, and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Topics may include the problem of suffering, how to be a good neighbor, or discerning God’s call in one’s life.
A group of Crafters meets each week on Thursdays from 10:00 am-2:00 pm to spend time together to work on personal projects ranging from quilts to embroideries to jewelry and to share ideas and fellowship. Often, though, this group of creative individuals will do something bigger for the good of the church and region, such as making community quilts like the one on display in the sanctuary or producing comfort pillows for heart or cancer patients.
Women’s Fellowship
- The Women’s Fellowship meets on the third Thursday at 2:00 pm from September-June, with a picnic concluding the regular meetings each year. Extremely active, the Fellowship brings in speakers and holds programs for women of the church each month, sponsors a Soup and Salad Luncheon fundraiser in November and a Quilt Show in May that features dozens of beautiful and elaborate designs in the sanctuary each year, and has a Christmas dinner at a local establishment that is a highlight for many.
Youth Activities
- Junior and senior high school youth are encouraged to participate in the Pilgrim Pathfinders, who meet weekly on Sunday afternoons during the school year and at least monthly during the summer for Bible studies, overnight lock-ins with discussion and activities centered around a theme, and fun adventures that promote fellowship like laser tag, campouts, and scavenger hunts. Youth are also given the opportunity to serve the church and those in need through involvement in food distribution to the hungry in the city and surrounding area, giving time to help with congregational dinners, and assisting members and friends decorate the building for Advent and Christmas. They raise funds for all of their own endeavors, doing car washes, selling coupon books, and cooking breakfasts.
Meals and Luncheons
- There are many enjoyable meals that bring not only the congregation together, but invite the wider community to take part. On the day of the Super Bowl, members and friends of the church are urged to bring cans and boxes of food for The Giving Basket, Rockwood’s food pantry, and hot soup is provided to all those who join in the effort. A Spaghetti Dinner is prepared near Valentine’s Day, with the entire Fellowship Hall transformed so that all have a pleasant experience. In March, a renowned Patrick’s Luncheon as well as St. Patrick’s Dinner are held with corned beef, cabbage, and other Irish fare.
Children’s Opportunities
- Truly, the Rockwood First Congregational Church ministers to all generations. A special Peaceful Kingdom Room is available for the youngest of God’s children and their parents so that the worship service may be viewed in a relaxed atmosphere. As these children grow, Sunday School is taught throughout most of the year by dedicated teachers from ages 4-high school who pass on the wisdom of stories and lessons from the Bible and demonstrate God’s love through Jesus Christ in the way in which they teach. In the summer, one week is set aside for Vacation Bible School, open to all in the area from ages 3-12 who want to sing and move to lively music about Jesus and get to know some key Bible passages through unique crafts, games, drama, and snacks. A chance to “Trunk or Treat” in the church parking lot in October, a Christmas Program in December, and an annual Easter Egg Hunt give seasonal possibilities to be together and celebrate.
- The church reaches out beyond its walls through missions, locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. Members actively take time to aid in the bi-monthly food distributions at The Giving Basket food pantry located on the grounds of St. Mary Catholic Church in Rockwood and the church has hosted these, as well, over the past several years. Mission Trips are held to such places as Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, and Louisiana to grant support in rebuilding after natural disasters. Special mission funds are sent to the Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries, the Bread of Life in Plant City, Florida, Mission Mazahua in Mexico, the National Association of Congregational Churches in the Philippines, and to contribute to the educational goals of Congregational colleges Olivet in Michigan and Piedmont in Georgia.
- For those who like to sing, the church’s Choir brings songs of joy and hope into the worship service on most Sundays September-May. New voices are always welcome at rehearsals on most Wednesday nights during the season.