In addition to regular weekly worship services on Sunday mornings, the church ministers through a number of unique special worship experiences throughout the year:

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service is held at 6:00 pm featuring many of your favorite traditional Christmas choirs, combined with scripture reads and a reflect message. It concludes with the congregation lighting candles while sharing in a familiar seasonal carol of Silent Night and Wonderful Peace.
Recognizing that the Christmas season does not conclude until the twelfth day, the Feast of Epiphany, our church hosts a service of prayer, song, and enjoyable gift-giving on January 6 at 7:00pm. On occasion, a soup or light meal is offered prior to worship. As the Wise Men left gifts for the Christ-child, participants are invited to leave practical gifts, small and large, for the use of the church in the coming year. It is a meaningful and joyful way to begin the new year.
The season of Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday, a potluck meal is shared at 6:00 pm, with worship including the optional placement of ashes occurring at 7:00 pm. Toward the end of the forty days, a Maundy Thursday Potluck Love Feast takes place at 6:00 pm flowing into a Service of Darkness in which the Last Supper with Jesus and his disciples is remembered through the partaking of communion by intinction (the dipping of the bread into the cup) and the visit of Jesus and his followers to the Garden of Gethsemane leading to his betrayal and arrest is recalled.
An Easter Sonrise Service takes place at our church at 6:30 am greet the risen Christ anew with song, prayer, and message with the sun rising above our church grounds. Immediately after an Easter Breakfast at the church building beginning at 9:00 am, there is a full Easter Morning Worship Service (10:30am) in the sanctuary with much special music by the choir and others and a celebration of Christ’s resurrection.
On All-Saints’ Day, November 1, at 6:00 pm, a memorial service honors all those members, active friends, and family members who have entered eternal life throughout the previous year. This is a very important occasion for the community to reflect, remember, and rejoice in the lives that have impacted the faith journeys of many.
Heritage or Harvests Sunday is celebrated the Sunday before Thanksgiving at our regular 10:30 am worship service. The conclude with a Thanksgiving potluck dinner that is shared with friends, and many visitors.
2021 Advent Services information will be shared very soon.